Great acting, but too little of every thing else
21 August 2022
At least three very good acting performances in a story that says too little. We've got Charlotte Gainsbourg in a very mature and nuanced performance as Elisabeth Davis a single mom with two teenage kids trying to survive a painful separation and finding an unexpected support from a radio night broadcast. Where she also finds a lost soul called Talulah, played superbly by Noee Abita. She offers Talulah a place in her apartment. What we get afterward is the story of the Davis family and their interaction with Talulah over a few years this could very easily be a Hollywood movie with all the expected preachiness and morals we often get there - it doesn't go there and for that fact I'm grateful. But it doesn't go anywhere else. We simply get to see Elisabeth, her two kids (mainly Quito Rayon Richter as her son Mathias - showing a lot of promise) and Talulah who pops in and out of their lives until she disappears.

It looks like the director Mikhael Hers and his script writers had a story but didn't have a point to make. This would be a nice pilot for a TV drama series but as a stand alone movie - it doesn't stand alone and it's a shame because, as I said already we do get at least three very good acting performances that deserved better.
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