Review of Ridley Road

Ridley Road (2021)
20 August 2022
I write to endorse the views of another reviewer of this series as to its basic unhistoricality. The BBC and major US media providers are showing an increasing tendency to disregard the actual historical events and cultural realities, in the interest of importing entirely unrealistic racial, ethnic, and cultural themes artificially into those times. Lest anyone suspect my sympathies, I also lived through the 60's and my wife is Jewish, her entire family lost to the Holocaust and other anti-Semitic atrocities of World War II.

Plainly put, there was no widespread Fascist movement in either the US or Great Britain in 1962. Does anyone seriously think that the British constabulary, less than two decades after World War II, in which many fought and had comrades died, would have any sympathy at all for a British Nazi Party? The prosaic fact is that they had none at all.

In the US, George Lincoln Rockwell, the American Nazi, had a following in the dozens. To be sure, in the American South, society clung to an increasingly outdated racial bigotry. But it was increasingly under attack by larger forces. 'To Kill a Mockingbird' won the Pulitzer Prize that year, and the Civil and Voting Rights Acts were passed just two years later.

A drama about Fascist movements that emphasized their aberrance and potential criminality might be acceptable. However, the notion that they had any widespread social appeal is not only incorrect, but slanderous, and somewhat dangerous in itself. You don't redo history simply because it's convenient,.
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