Great factual Spy Drama - and Russian Love Story :)
10 August 2022
Great factual spy drama - and Russian love story - inspired by the story of British double-agent Kim Philby, who was revealed to be a member of the Cambridge Five.

So this is another great testament of love and affection between Moscow and London; that when things really get tough and hard in Mother Russia, the Brits from MI6 and the Reds from the KGB always stick together :)

On a more serious note, this picture indicates that the KGB during that time used the threat of assassination and poisoning to coerce people to do their bidding - with Leo Cauffield possibly being coerced to play ball with the KGB; to avoid being killed by subtle and undetectable assassination methods.

Since quite al lot of prominent people - both politicians and celebrities have died rather mysteriously in 2021/2022 - it raises the question, whether there is a connection between foul play and high incidence of unexplained deaths in the world. (Or it could just be the Corona Virus, who knows :)

Hence, for the sake of truth and transparency the Intelligence Community should provide the public with the relevant information.

Either way, fact remains, that quite a lot of Russian politicians, journalists and human rights activists have been assassinated in Moscow during the Putin regime- such as Boris Nemtsov, Bashir Magometovich Aushev, Natalya Khusainovna Estemirova and many more. Indeed, militant factions in the Russian Intelligence Community may have been responsible for these killings.

As the leader of the Intelligence Community, I am obliged to say that this kind of negative behaviour by the Russian Intelligence Community must stop - and all individuals responsible must be brought to justice; for killings and assassination attempts.

Furthermore, as a gentleman, I also would like to emphasize, that I would have been quite willing to take the bullet for Boris, Bashir and Natalya - and all other unsung heroes in Russia; if that would have saved their lives :)
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