Finding Grace (2019)
A troubled teen gets a second chance and changes the life of not only herself, but others around her as well!
9 August 2022
I don't see how anyone could give this movie a negative review! The characters and storyline are so realistic. Alaska, 18 years of age and giving her father gray hair, is ultimately directionless. She has no intention of going to college. She doesn't like her dad's rules, but instead of moving out, she fights him tooth and nail. She's battling anger and depression over the suicide of her mom, and that has caused a strain on the whole family (she has a little brother). She eventually gets caught for having a fake ID to consume alcohol. Now that's she's an adult, she'll no longer get treated like a juvenile for committing crimes. She's ordered to community service at a nursing home. The judge makes it clear that the next time she does something illegal, she's going to jail. She starts out uninterested and bored with the senior citizens, but she ends up befriending one of the residents. It was really nice to see her transformation. She went from being rude and out of control, to a caring and thoughtful young woman. The acting was so believable. There were a few times my eyes welled up with tears. It's a marvelous film that illustrates the power of God, family, and friendship.
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