This is what real journalism looks like
27 July 2022
Take note journalists, aka. Stenographers to power, who are more interested in serving as press secretaries of the empire than challenging power. This is what real journalism looks like. Today most Western journalists are content with reporting what some spokesperson of the empire has said without any kind of critical follow up question. But not John Pilger, one of the most important journalists of my lifetime. He has done his homework, so whenever an interviewee is either obfuscating the truth or outright lying, Pilger confronts him. This is what journalism should look like. Not some well coiffed CNN/FOX/MSNBC/WaPo/NYT mannequin who is terrified of losing their White House press pass or missing out on the chance to be embedded with the armed wing of the empire in their next genocidal excursion.

Pretty much the same film could be made about Russia and the NATO expansion into Eastern Europe (not to mention US bases in Central Asia) which is drawing a noose around Russia's neck, similar to the one around China. That has already lead to war. And the useful idiots to the empire in Western media and parliaments are cheering on their own decline.

By the way, I love the b***hurt one-star reviews rage-written by American right wingers having to face the truth about their genocidal regime.
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