5 June 2022
Started off well with a smooth flow of anticipative suspense and possibilities. Then it quickly regressed to absurdity where logical actions cease to exist. Not referring to idiotic superstitions nor content of plot. It had promise but 3 key events clearly exposed either lazy or imbecilic writing. It's incomprehensible that the key characters are unaware of all the signals of sexual tensions amongst the group. It's outrageous to even conceive the urgency to fornicate in wide open public view when one had just departed, and inches away, from a possible serious witch hunt crisis. Lastly, it's just nonsensical to earnestly reveal one's most protected vulnerability in a crime encounter when the perpetrator could have had been simply satisfied with his original demand instead of the victim's futile dramatics of defense resulting in the unnecessary. The series ended with an emotional feeling summation of what I would term, rubbish illogic.
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