Review of Watcher

Watcher (I) (2022)
3 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie starts off so slow, taking forever before anything interesting or intriguing happens. Then when it finally does, we get our first dose of many idiotic decisions that make it difficult to care for the character. We see more annoying tropes and very little payoff in this slog of a movie. (1 viewing, opening Thursday 6/2/2022)


Was anyone else annoyed by the extensive amount of dialogue in Romanian without subtitles? I understand they are trying to make us feel as isolated as the character feels, but it's aggravating.

When the first "scary" moment happens in the grocery store, I'm thinking she's perfectly safe here in the open with people around. But she decides to go into a poorly lit backroom with no one around. And even after knowing there is a serial killer on the loose, she repeatedly walks alone down a dark alley. I know they are trying to build tension, but you can't do that at the expense of the character's credibility.

Then we get a HEAVY dose of one of the most annoying tropes in thrillers and especially in horror: the boyfriend/husband doesn't believe her. He starts off seeming very supportive, to the point where he suggests going to look at the footage from the grocery store. But he throws her under the bus and claims she's the one staring at him, when we haven't seen anything to warrant this conclusion.

He spends the rest of the movie being the worst husband ever. By the time we reach the climax, I cared so little about the lead character (I can't even remember her name) and hated the husband so much that I really wanted her to die just so he feels like a piece of garbage. I don't think that was the intention of these filmmakers.

The ending is laughable. I'm no doctor, but I'm pretty sure slicing the carotid artery doesn't prevent you from breathing or screaming. Then she crawls towards the gun and plays dead. Once he leaves she gets the gun and shoots him. But why would she play dead in the first place? She could have easily reached the gun before that. What if he stabbed her more or cut off her head?

And apparently he didn't slice the carotid artery, otherwise she would be dead in minutes. Apparently he sliced a different artery that gushes large amounts of blood but doesn't kill you. Give me a break, movie.
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