This is just WRONG XP
30 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is one movie I should have avoided. I can understand the creative staff wanting to take the franchise in a new direction, but this T. Rex-sized pile of manure was SO not the way to go.

First up: Turning Andre Toulon into a Nazi sympathizer was too big a change for my mind to handle. This may be a different continuity, but reinventing his personality was such an incongruity that I couldn't wrap my head around it.

Second: I was expecting a certain level of blood and gore, but what I saw here....... Ye CATS! There was enough of both that it could've made Hellraiser's Pinhead nauseous. Case in point: There's this one particularly gruesome scene involving a pregnant woman that I will NEVER be able to get out of my head, it was that disgusting.

Third and biggest gripe: The puppets. TOO MANY! The previous entries were effective because there was only a handful of them in each movie. For me, it added to the fun and suspense. This one has dozens of the little monsters running around, and a lot of them are variations on Blade. I love that little guy to pieces, but this is a good example of "too much of a good thing".

Third gripe, Part 2: Another thing I liked about the franchise was that the puppets were actually alive. They had their own minds, feelings, and occasionally agendas of their own. They were capable of independent thought and action, while these new puppets have less personality than a slice of burnt toast . Their creator is using them like unmanned drones -- not quite controlling them from beyond the grave, but it's pretty *BLEEP*ing close.

All in all, I think I'll give any future entries in this parallel universe a hard pass. It lacks the charm and quirkiness that made the main continuity so entertaining and I advise anyone reading this to do the same.
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