Why would ANYONE want her back?!
27 May 2022
"Living in a Big Way" is a film with portions I liked but overall I don't recommend it because there is a fatal flaw in the writing....you don't like one of the main characters and it's supposed to be a romance!

The story begins during WWII. Leo (Gene Kelly) and Margo (Marie McDonald) falling in love. But since it is the war and Leo is soon shipping out, they impulsively get married despite barely knowing each other....and he's sent overseas before they can even consummate the marriage.

The story now skips to just after the war has ended. Leo is looking forward to a life of wedded bliss with Margo. But when he seeks her out, he finds she's NOT the poor girl he thought she was...she's a rich model used to a life of ease.

Now at this point, the story was quite good. But Margo's reaction to her husband's return is bizarre and shows her to be an awful person. She apparently already has a NEW fiance picked out and informs Leo he's unwanted and he should get a divorce. Now, I CAN understand a woman thinking they made a bad and impulsive choice...that's understandable. But not even wanting to talk with him makes her seem like a real jerk. Soon, you learn she ALSO had a very cute mutt...and got bored with it and gave it away. So, you've got a leading character who is selfish and self-absorbed.... NOT what you'd want in a leading lady in a romance. Can the film be saved?

The story gets better later....so I still gave it a 5. But Margo was just unlikable....very unlikable. Also, while there were some dance numbers here and there, they weren't integrated into the story well at all and just seemed slapped there in order to give Kelly a chance to show off his talents. Overall, not the worst sort of romance but not a very good one either.
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