Pete's Christmas (2013 TV Movie)
Nice Christmas
24 May 2022
Christmas films can go either way, which has been my experience watching overtime the festive output of Lifetime, Hallmark and UPTV. They can either be well-meaning, charming, warm-hearted and don't feel too heavy. Or they can be too over-sentimental, cheesy, contrived and bland. There have been many films of theirs that have fallen in both camps and in the camp where there is a bit of both. 'Pete's Christmas' had the sort of premise that had strong potential of being in the former category.

'Pete's Christmas' is somewhere in the top-in between batch. It is not a great film and could have done a lot more with the 'Groundhog Day'-like premise, but it is amusing and engaging enough and a pleasant enough as long as not too much is expected. Quite a lot is good, but it doesn't avoid the traps that a lot of festive films fall into. Though other festive films have fared far worse in what 'Pete's Christmas' has wrong with it in my personal view.

Beginning with the not so good, the story is formulaic and doesn't really have anything new or special to it to make it stand out, it also felt on the over-stretched side and felt like certain things that happened could easily have happened later or been elaborated upon more. Some of the dialogue doesn't sound very natural, and can be a bit corny and sappy like towards the end.

A better job could have been done making Pete more appealing, he does come over as too whiney and some of his antics are on the repetitive side. The music doesn't really fit and is rather syrupy.

The cast do do a very nice job, especially the adult cast. Bruce Dern has the most interesting and most colourful character and has the right crustiness and class. Bailee Maddison is also adorable and brings a lot of heart. While Pete could have been written better, the supporting characters are a zesty bunch and are fun.

It looks good, with some lovely festive scenery and touches clearly shot with care and love. It's amusingly light hearted and good natured, while also heartfelt in other places. The messaging is honest and easy to get behind, while not feeling preachy. Enough of the dialogue is good natured fun and the story has enough moments where there's charm and energy.

Concluding, above average fare. 6/10.
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