The real reasons some countries banned this movie
6 May 2022
Those countries who banned this movie are the lucky ones, possibly the real reason is that it sucks big time !

So I went in with great expectations, firstly because I absolutely loved the first Dr Strange movie and secondly because I consider both Benedict Cumberbacht and Elizabeth Olsen as very fine actors.

Unfortunately, the movie ended up a huge disappointment, the plot and characters were poorly developed, there was a lack of tension and lack of stakes for our heroes to over come.

So many forced emotional scenes and clichés in the movie which failed to make us connect.

I did not care about whether or not Dr Strange saved the day, I cared even less about American Chavez, she lacked any depth, and the actress playing her is just awful.

We were also supposed to somehow connect with Wanda and feel for her, which was again a complete failure and supposedly we should have felt some emotions to her two annoying kids, I basically did not care at all about the characters or their motives.

They tried playing with several emotions from audiences, American Chavez and her dilemma, Wanda and her dreams of kids, Dr Strange and his girlfriend, all felt flat and empty.

The usual Marvel jokes were also lame and forced.

As mentioned I was excited about at least having good performances from top actors, sadly, they all felt flat! I really don't know why, possibly because of the poor writing and worst dialogue. Also, emotional display without connection to the viewer ultimately led to failure.

Special effects and action were decent but nothing mind blowing, some intense and sort of scary scenes were forced upon us in an attempt to create a special atmosphere but failed as well, perhaps for the 7 to 9 years old viewers it might work.

Such a let down, to those people who live in a country which banned the movie, don't sweat about it, you're not missing anything special, in fact you're lucky as this to me is the worst Marvel Movie I've seen in a while.

Who knows, this whole banning story could b a desperate marketing attempt as well.

I think Disney just blew it, it feels like a kid's movie, probably ages 7 to 13 would enjoy this, but not for the mature and intelligent audience.

I think I'm done with Marvel and Superhero movies, it's becoming over saturated.
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