She Fought Alone (1995 TV Movie)
An average movie based on a sad true story
21 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I gave this movie 7 stars because real-life stories like this need to be told.

This movie is about Caitlin who is a beautiful and sweet teenage girl who wants to be accepted into the most popular crew in the small town she lives in. I am not sure how long she has been living in this town when the movie begins.

Catlin goes through hell when she is inducted into this crew and this movie was thought provoking and sad. It gives you a real glimpse into the extreme way young athletes can be treated like Gods in their school or town.

One example is how the principal at the high school pretty much lets the main two characters, Jace and Ethan do whatever they want. Ethan is the quarterback on the football team and he is the leader of this crew.

Ethan has plans to leave the town and go on to bigger and better things. Ethan seems like a pretty decent guy who hides behind his ever so cool and laid back bad boy persona. One good thing about him is he takes care of his ill mother.

Some of this movie was simply uncomfortable to watch, especially as you know the movie is based on a true story.

Jace is wired wrong and thinks the girls in their crew must do whatever they say. There are rules that must be followed. Catlin's friend Abby, seems to let these guys sleep with her whenever they want.

It is obvious from the start of the movie that Caitlin likes Ethan and there is a connection. He can see she is different from other girls.

Jace tries to persuade Caitlin to spend time alone with him after she is inducted into their crew. Caitlin says no and chooses to sleep with Ethan. This makes Jace become jealous and aggressive.

Jace continues to push and tries to persuade Caitlin to hook up with him. Then he takes things way too far. He rapes her in her own home, with her younger sister in the house.

It is disgusting and disturbing for a teenage boy to do this and then act like she wanted him.

Jace tells other people in the crew and at school that Caitlin was all over him and they hooked up.

Caitlin confronts Jace and reveals the truth at a diner with dozens of people around.

Since Jace continues to lie, Ethan agrees that Caitlin will pay for lying to the crew.

After this the entire crew and other kids in the school bully Caitlin, writing disgusting things on the school walls, on the front of the building and alienating her. Later the entire crew get Catlin in an abandoned house, hold her down and cut her hair. Even her friend Abby joins in.

When the school won't take any action against these bullies, a lawyer is bought in. It is at this moment that Jace tells Ethan that he did rape Caitlin, and that he wants to do it again.

Ethan goes to talk to Caitlin and reveals his true feelings for her. He cannot stop thinking about her. This is probably not a normal thing in this crew because they seem to just use these girls.

What follows, does not really make sense. As someone else said in their review, if Ethan was the leader and most popular guy in school or even the town as the quarterback on the football team. Why did his crew turn on him so quickly?

The movie felt rushed once Caitlin and Ethan started to mend their relationship.

They are chased and attacked by some of the crew and Jace tries to stab Ethan.

The movie had a disappointing ending. I was hoping to see the lawyer take legal action against the principal, to the point that she never got another job working with children again.

I wanted Jace to get jail time. He was sick and twisted, he needed therapy.

I wish we had seen his parents reaction too.

The movie ended with Caitlin leaving for college. Ethan ruined his chances of getting into a good college and has little chance to leave his small town.

Some of the acting in this movie is below average. However, despite the outcome of the movie, Tiffanie (Caitlin) and Brian (Ethan) have great chemistry at the beginning of the movie, it is obvious they were dating in real life.
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