Butlers in Love (2022 TV Movie)
barely above blah
19 April 2022
If you've seen one Hallmark movie, you already know how this is going to go so I won't talk about predictability except to say that the end had one surprising, and unsatisfying, bump. Corey Cott brought this up to a six from a probable four as his character was so real and fun to watch. What largely brought the movie down for me was Emma, the character not the actress. Part of it was that I felt sorry for her, past sympathetic almost to pittying but no emotional connection to really make me care. But mostly what annoyed about her was her hair. I know it's minor, but the fact that her shoulder length hair is loose the whole time when there's no way a school whose dress code is stricter than the military's would allow that. This is backed up by the fact that every other female affiliated with butling has her hair pulled back neatly. Not only was it loose, it looked like it hadn't even been brushed since the day before. This, her short stature, and the uniform made her look like a kid playing dress-up most of the time so it was hard to take her seriously.
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