Downbeat and violent cop thriller with a terrific acting by Daniel Auteuil and compelling filmmaking
19 April 2022
Set in Marseilles where a burn-out Police inspector called Schneider : Daniel Auteuil suffers extremely from past tragic experiences . At the beginning he kidnaps a bus , as he is detained and degrated to inferior ranks to night office works. As worn-out police inspector Schneider is removed from his investigation procedure on a series killer and assigned to a monotonous job .

French formula thriller with intense drama, noisy action , crisply edition, tension, intrigue , suspenseful, twists and turns . The pic revolves around tragic events become complex throughout the movie, adding other issues as Police corruption , justice , vengeance and redemption . A nice cop movie , being realized in Polar (French Thriller) style and competently written/directed by the prolific actor/cult director Olivier Martínez at his best . In MR 73 stands out Daniel Auteuil giving an extraordinary acting as the deranged , washed-up and disturbing cop who finds redemption by protecting an unfortunate woman . Being well accompanied by a magnificent plethora of French secondaries , such as : Olivia Bonamy , Catherine Marchal , Moussa , Francis Renaud, and special mention for the recently deceased Philippe Nahon as a really nasty criminal . Adding a moving and thrilling musical score by the great French composer Bruno Coulais, as well as evocative and dark cinematography .

The motion picture was competently directed by Olivier Marchal . He is a good actor and director who has made several Noir Flicks . He is a notorious writer, producer, actor and filmmaker and time ago was a policeman , as well . Oliver started taking acting lessons when he still was a Police officer . He began in television ,apperaing in supporting parts or writing series for Detective TV series . In 2000 he starred as Commandant Pierre Riviere in his own series Police District . His films are usually played by regular actors as Gérard Depardieu , Daniel Auteuil, Daniel Duval , Francis Renaud and Catherine Marchal . Oliver Marchal has directed notable French thrillers Just like : 36th Precinct , Gangsters , Les Lyonnais , Diamond 13 and MR 73 . Rating : 7/10 . Better than average . The yarn will appeal to French thriller or Polar fans .
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