Review of Defiance

Defiance (2013 Video Game)
3 Stars out of 5 Stars
18 April 2022
A mediocre game that I spent way too many hours on. I've never watched the tv show it was based on, so I can't tell you how great this story intertwines with the show, but I can tell you I was definitely not a fan of this boring, drawn out plot. This game works as a live service so there's constantly random encounters going on 24/7, which makes the game exhausting to a point because instead of just trying to finish some missions, you keep getting caught in the middle of timed events that really serve no purpose. The loot is boring/wack, but I did find combat fun for the most part. Near the end of my run with this game, I was attempting to finish this episodic side storyline they had, but I really had a hard time caring, and the mission became so advanced, I just must of subconsciously thought "the game isn't worth it" and just never played again. While I did enjoy the open world, the combat, and leveling up my character, I don't think it deserved the 90+ hours I put into it. Still, I would recommend it if you enjoy live service video games that has plenty of grinding, killing, ect.
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