From (2022– )
Ending? What ending?
11 April 2022
I enjoyed this initially. It was a reasonably decent storyline, it was watchable, it even had a few jump scenes in there. Then it seemed to slide. The situations became more illogical and nothing really seemed to happen or make any sense. Still, I persevered.

Plus sides include the cinematography and soundtrack and for most of the first episodes having a solid scare factor. Negatives include an increasing amount of illogical storylines, nothing really being answered and average acting.

My real issue is with episode 10, the season finale. What??!! This did not in any way feel like the ending of a series. To the point that, five minutes before the end, I'm thinking maybe I've got it wrong and there are more episodes. But no. The episode runs its course and it ends. Nothing is explained. No loose ends are tied up. There are no answers. There is no cliffhanger ending. There is - nothing.

This makes more sense now I know it was written by the same people who wrote Lost. A series that started off well and quickly degenerated into long drawn-out confusion. The world does not need another Lost. Also, this series does not have the same kind of impact that Lost had initially - it will not survive a long drawn-out Lost-style treatment.

To the person (elizrug) who mentioned Avery Konrad's Wikipedia page - I took a look and yes, you were right! Very sloppy, incorrect syntax all over the place. I suspect written by someone who has English as a 3rd or 4th language rather than a 10 year old - too many basic errors. Although that is not really relevant to the series itself.

Would I recommend somebody to watch this? Overall - yes, if you like the genre. But there are better alternatives.
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