The Bubble (2022)
Completely subverted my expectations
1 April 2022
This film was not what I had hoped for. It had big stars, an acclaimed comedy director and a promising premise but it just fell short on so many levels.

The premise is about a bunch of actors and a film crew trying to make a movie during the pandemic and it starts off quite strong. I chuckled here and there, the writing was tighter and it had relatability when it came to the pandemic stuff. That's where I have to give it points, the satire was decent here but that's the only place I can give it points.

The acting, cinematography, music was all okay, nothing unexpected and everyone does their job well here.

It was the writing and the pacing that really brings this film down. Around 75% into the first act all the way until the credits rolled, I found myself zoning in and out of the film. This film could have been a 90 minute film or even shorter. 2 hours dragged the whole thing out and it felt like a chore to finish the film just to get it done with. There was a tongue in cheek ending which kind of makes up for a little bit of this by being self aware but even still it was very lacklustre. The jokes became very flat and I found myself have 0 reaction to any of it. Even the comic relief character was decent but they were under used and taken out of the film quite early on.

Alongside this, the characters are all uninteresting and with the flat jokes and dragged out narrative, there's nothing really to keep you watching.

Overall the film starts of good then slowly delves into a long drag.

P. S. The choreographed dances were feel was one of the few instances in the film that uplifted it alongside the welcome cameos.
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