It should've been so much better.
15 February 2022
This originated as a planned spin-off mini-series featuring Buck, Crash, and Eddie. When Disney bought Fox, they shut down Blue Sky, but maintained that the spin-off was still going to happen. Seems like it should've been great; they own the rights to the original assets due to the acquisition, and Disney has the money AND talent to turn out great products.

However, Disney had other plans. The mini-series got retooled into a one-off movie, the animation work was given to a studio whose biggest CGI credits are Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Happily N'Ever After, and only ONE voice actor reprised his role (Simon Pegg as Buck). The models are terrible (for some reason, they decided NOT to use the original assets), the animation is slow and choppy, there are periods in the film where the frame rate just drops out for no reason, the plot is muddled and lackluster at best, and the story (and production) just feels insanely rushed.

Several of the characters from the franchise also didn't even make an appearance or even get mentioned, as if they didn't exist. Peaches, Julian, Louis, Shira, and Scrat were all MIA. And now, Disney has given up ownership of Scrat, so don't expect to see him again, either. The characters that did return, ignoring their awful voicing, just felt like shells of their former selves; and the new characters just felt cheap and unnecessary.

This COULD'VE and SHOULD'VE been a good property, but Disney cheaped out and rushed a product to market that no one will enjoy. It's pretty bad when they ruin the three characters I enjoyed the most out of the franchise.
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