Review of Bel-Air

Bel-Air (2022– )
People are so easily impressed these days and it shows
14 February 2022
I have never seen so many forced positive reviews on any platform....this show is a fail from top to nottom and the fact that people are really trying to depict it as anything other than is comical. Its not about "ruining childhoods", its about the endless reboots that are usually correctly predicted to be a dumpster fire...Belair continues those correct predictions. Anybody who saw trailers or read up on this prior to this being relesded should have known this was not going to be a comedy, so jokes on you for even expecting that kind of tone....i knew going in that this would not being a comedy and its still a swing and a miss. Eventually Hollywood will accept that remixing everything from the 90s is not going to work. You cant recapture the same ambeience after watering down the product to fit today's parody of societal standards. People are trying way too hard to make this show something that it will simply never be and thats watchable. Let it go. We understand you wanted it to work and that you were anticipating the hell out of this, but you should have known better. You didnt really think this was going to carry the torch did you? 😂😂😂😂😂😂. You wont be getting a second season.
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