An Idiot's Tale
31 December 2021
So bad it might be good. Straightaway reminiscent of "Melos: The Hands of Fate" in terms of production quality, storytelling, acting, et cetera. Fully expect this to appear on MST3K (if they're still around). The only legitimate wrestling appears in the opening montage, showing that the boy has wrestling talent. Elsewhere this is pure dreck, full of idiot characters along with a small smattering of Big Time wrestling.

Not enough thought has gone into the script. For example: one scene displays wordplay on "bear" versus "bare," as in "the cupboard is bare" versus "a bear in the woods." No one considers that someone might be "bare" in the woods, or that there could be a "bear" hiding in a cupboard. Nor does this extend to anyone needing some "Bayer" aspirin for a possible headache, in which there might be some "Bayer" in a medicine cabinet.
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