Alien Nation (1989–1990)
Incredible well-written
26 December 2021
Tv-shows back in the 80s did not have the same budget as tv shows have today. Most of this was shot at a sound-stage, and you can tell. The make-up is very clearly make-up. The special effects are pretty cheap. But the writing is what really stands out. I do like that we get to see real stunts, real explosions, real make-up and real actors. But you do have to take into consideration that this entire show had a smaller budget than a single episode of Game of Thrones.

However! This show is incredible well-written. The actors are doing a well enough job, but none of them are good enough to carry this show, so it really comes down to the script and this is one of the best written shows I've seen in years. It's actually really really poignant and weirdly relevant. This show made sense in the 80s, it made sense 20 years ago, and it still makes sense. Heck, it might turn out to become even more relevant as this era goes on.

I like how they build up the show over time. The first episode was a little bit underwhelming. Maye the first 2-3 episodes was a bit weak, but it grows from there. As we get to know the characters better and better over time, and we see them grow; the story becomes deeper and holds more meaning.

Yes, this show actually has character development. So keep that in mind. If you don't like a character right of the bat. Don't be surprised if they'll grow on you towards the end of the season. In fact, the show as a whole just keeps growing and growing on me.

This is probably one of the best tv-shows of it's time and I would still put it on my top 20 of all time.

You really really need to give this one a chance. If you love sci-fi; This is a must. But even i you don't. I would still recommend this. This show is so much more than what you might think it is from a first glance. It really rewards those that decide to stick with it to the end.

I highly recommend it.
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