Sliding Doors (1998)
An enjoyable, romantic comedy.
5 December 2021
S!icing Doors is a very sweet, moving, almost charming comedy, it's a smashing what if story, what if you just made a small change, never caught a train, how would your life go, this film tells that story.

It's hard not to empathise with Helen, she's a sweet character, well meaning, and on the receiving end of a selfish, scheming partner. Paltrow does a cracking job here, made at a time when her popularity was pretty huge, John Hannah perhaps steals it for me.

It has more humour than I remember, there are several laughs throughout, it's good to see how good Paltrow's timing is.

I really did enjoy the soundtrack, some cracking songs, including Aqua's Turn back time, what a difference to Barbie Girl.

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