Endearing fun
2 December 2021
Ursus, il terrore dei kirghisi is the proper name of the film and it is pretty unusual mishmash of peplum, horror, geography and ethnicities. Suspiciously Mediterranean looking Kirghiz somehow manage to oppress unusually Nordic looking Cirkassians who seem to be living just across the hill from each other (it's like horse riding from Canada to Mexico!!!). The main hero - Ursus (not Hercules! Though all names have been altered for american edit) is played by Muscle man Reg Park was a mentor and inspiration for Arnold Schwarzenegger both in terms of over-exaggerated physique (of cartoon superhero/"bullied kids dream variety" and nowhere near as objectively beautiful like that of Steve Reeves) but also in wooden acting department (again making Reeves look almost method actor in comparison). Most other characters (in original Italian version) seem to have Georgian names for some reason - Ilo, Kato, Aniko (who became Amico in american version because...?) and finally Prince Zereteli - who would be happy to know that there is a street and a Metro station named after him in downtown Tbilisi, Georgia :)))
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