Christmas in Angel Falls (2017 TV Movie)
Angel Lands.
1 December 2021
A sweaty priest and a terrible choir like the ones in this film would surely always be enough to put you off going to church and this film could quite easily have gone over the top with the Jesusy stuff, but actually it's very subtle and the message is more about the giving of love, time and thought at Christmas.

There is a slightly magical element in the form of the angels sent to rescue the season, in this town that has forgotten its way, but it's not done in that cheesey way that others seem to use.

Paul Greene is a very hot fireman and even the leading lady is quite appealing as a character too. So the romantic element wasn't hard to watch.

It's a positive film about being festive through kindness and community and there really can't be any harm in that can there?

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