Indiana Jones TV-Movie done right
16 November 2021
This movie could probably be considered Indiana Jones 3.5. It is a far better film than Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, although thats not much of a compliment. It is a bit uneven and suffers from a TV-movie budget and filmography, and the fact the quality of film is not up to par with a big budget film. We follow Indy and Remi from the rest of the series get lost in the midst of German territory, meeting up with a renegade group of elderly British commandos. I won't describe the plot but it is exciting to say the least, not so much concerned with historical figures or drama as the other episodes, but with action and excitement. The first half is the better and more well-paced one of the two, centred on the train in question and also setting up some good intrigue. It is straight out of an Indiana Jones film and the whole plot surrounding the train is something the Nazis would've thought up in any of the films. The latter half also delivers some action, but the filmography suffers a bit and its a bit static and fake-looking at times. Still, there is some interesting conflict between Indy and a captive he has a hold of, calling into question how far Indy will go and what kind of person he is. Indy is made out to be much more of an idiot than seems fit for his character, he's also not as confident and Remy seems to really just be screaming at him most of the time. Which is fine as a comedic aspect but sometimes they have Remy be a more capable than Indy.

At 1hr and 30 minutes (at least the version I watched) it can be a bit of a slog near the halfway mark when it suddenly shifts from one story to another, this might've been better as a two parter. But if you want an beautiful setting, with fun characters (the actor who played Belloq from Raiders plays a British commando) and with good action and intirgue, you should definitely check this out.
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