Underwater Horror
23 October 2021
The Deep House: A haunted house but this one is submerged. Two youtube bloggers, James Jagger and Camille Rowe travel to South West France to explore and film an underwater village in a flooded valley but find that that the lake is now a popular tourist and in any case the houses are in ruins. A local man offers to bring them to an isolated arm of the reservoir where an intact submerged house may be examined. Most of the film takes place underwater, the settings being eerie before they even penetrate the villa - a fish suddenly appearing is threatening, a floating doll in a room is eerie as any ghost. Dark deeds have occurred in this home with a memory of evil living on. The nature of the mystery is revealed as the divers discover artifacts and other clues. Some well portrayed scenes of horror with gruesomely imagined undead. The tension is well maintained as the couple struggle to survive. A satisfyingly nail biting horror thriller. Co -Directed & Co-Written by Alexandre Bustillo and Julien Maury. 8/10.
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