Last Man Down (2021)
It roundtrips past "so bad it's good" back to "awful"
21 October 2021
A bunch of Swedish bodybuilders get together one night, and over a kegger and bawdy jokes watching 80s Schwarzenegger movies and decide "hey, we can do this too! Why not? We have the bods, the butts, the buff legs and arms m, and can find a babe. And no way that Austrian accent is better than our socialized Norwegian patois soaked in English. Plus we've signed up a nude model to do decidedly non-nude scenes. Our dialogues will be ripped straight from 80s VHS tapes with no context and dripping with enough cheese to start a Dominos franchise. What could possibly go wrong????"

And they try. I stress, they really really try. They bulge their biceps together, not groom their bustling beards, and give it the old bodybuilder try. If this was movie school they'd get an A for effort. Not very entertaining, but it's fun watching them take it seriously when they know the world is doubled down trying to keep it in. But boy do they try. It is like watching a bunch of toddlers make something that only they can be proud of. Actually at times it is so bad as to make you lose control as you guffaw out loud, just before the appalling realization - damn, I just wasted 30 minutes I will never get back - dawns on you. No Thank you to you Fansu and Daniel.
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