Olympia Dukakis, RIP
12 October 2021
I had heard of Armistead Maupin's works for years, but only now got around to seeing "Tales of the City"; Olympia Dukakis's recent death gave me an extra reason to see it. What an achievement. This look at a circle of friends in San Francisco during the Harvey Milk era has it all. The miniseries looks at the good and the bad in everyone's lives, with the characters pressing forward no matter what.

What's sad is not only how AIDS devastated so much of San Francisco's gay community, but how the exorbitant rents have pushed so many people out of the city (or onto the streets). The San Francisco of the 21st century is unrecognizable to the San Francisco of the 1970s. It makes one wonder what Harvey Milk's position on housing prices would be, were he alive today.

Anyway, excellent miniseries. Everyone should see it.
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