Why ask Y?
14 September 2021
Would the world be better off without us men, or would that initiate a slow descent into madness?

The beginning drags. It's like siting in an overcrowded airport long past the scheduled take off. Geeesh! Dialogue is ho-hum. So far, most of the performances are lackluster, uninspiring, and even counterintuitive given the context. However, I urge patience on behalf of the viewership - if only for what a finished product of this kind might tell us about ourselves.

By the way, this is NOT new territory. Books like Frank Herbert's, The White Plague, and Ursula K. LeGuin's, The Left Hand of Darkness spring to mind. Hollywood is only now catching up with movies like Chaos Walking 2021; which, toyed with the idea of nurturing strained and lasting divisions between the sexes. Ultimately, the science is already good enough to treat patients and manipulate their life code overwriting it @the genomic level, using a process called Homologous Recombination. Clearly, sex-based drugs and other gender-specific delivery systems for either single or mass deployment aren't a far cry from reality. I do hope the creators take full advantage of this show's potential and give us something truly spectacular. Rooting for its success!!!
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