31 August 2021
I don't believe any entertainment should be derived from the depiction of Nazi atrocities. I saw this as i attempt to see all Britain's video nasties of the 1980's to better understand the censorship of the time, and i can certainly understand how it wound up on that list. Regrettably, it is quite well done, well-shot with professional actors in accurate period costumes and sets and, of course, beautiful victims. It's not just the mishmash of sex and violence you'd expect from run of the mill exploitation films, but contains a well-measured plot, events meted out deliberately, if excrutiatingly, but dramatically valid. I can't resist mentioning a mostly unintentionally comic orgy scene where a group of soldiers are lined up naked and exhorted by their commandant to violate the prisoners to revitalize themselves for battle. After a quick full-frontal flash of the line, the camera then switches to close-up going down the line of their hairy backsides, the first of which farts (comic relief?) the last of which gets a thumb up it from his next in line., then cuts to frames of flailing naked arms and legs and torsos, the most full-on sex in the movie, for a few frantic seconds But unless you're studying censorship or have a sick fascination for Nazisploitation, i wouldn't recommend it.
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