Review of Babylon 5

Babylon 5 (1993–1998)
27 years, and the ending still brings a tear.
24 August 2021
I am a life long SciFi fanatic. Star Trek, Star Wars, Stargate and more, I've watched them since the first airing. And while Star Trek and Star Wars and even the longevity of Stargate and it's spinoffs have there respective, iconic, places in SciFi history, Babylon 5 stands out from them all. Having just re-watched the the entire series, in order, and in binges, the ending still brings a tear to my eye. The 5 year arch, the writing, the acting, it all, in my humble opinion rises up as one of the best, true Science Fiction Series ever created. Even now, late August of 2021, 23 years since it's last episode aired, the year of struggles in politics, and the pandemic, this series and it's stories still ring true today. Fascinating how these stories parallel our struggles today. Showing what happens when small groups gain too much power. How so much can be manipulated by so few who press their personal agendas over the greater good. How people will so easily follow blindly into the abyss as to avoid personal responsibility and how the mass media propaganda machine can control it all.
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