Floreana (2019)
Dazzlingly inventive
23 July 2021

The animation is relatively uncomplicated, yet elegant in its simplicity, and particularly eye-catching in the first minute. The music and sound of Sofie Birch and Asbjorn Derdau is likewise clean and tasteful, providing a measure of atmosphere to the short beyond the visuals.

Obvious alarming themes reflecting our biodiversity crises and accelerating climate disaster are presented alongside marvelous, fantastical notions of a world finding peace and hope with inspired, advanced wonders of engineering and neuroscience. Without any need for dialogue, creator Lou Morton has concocted an ingenious, clever short that imparts a future both harrowing and beautiful. I could do with a bit more of a story, personally, yet at the same time, this is clearly meant not to show a concrete concept, but to excite our imagination and will.

I can't readily think of any film quite like 'Floreana.' At only 4 minutes long, this is well worth our time to watch.
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