Masquerade (II) (2021)
Painful to watch
21 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Well, I watched it all the way through just to see if it got any better. It didn't. Still can't understand why wearing a mesh fencing mask somehow makes you sound like a cross between Darth Vader and Lord Humongous from Mad Max 2... As for the plot, it's dreadful. Having been told he has '37 minutes' to remove all the artwork from the house before they return, we then have to watch the worlds slowest burglary. Firstly he moves the body of the babysitter he'd battered to death. For what reason? The floor is still covered in blood, now with extra drag marks!

Then we have to watch as he sets out a full tool kit, making sure each tool is lined up perfectly. Then gets out ANOTHER tool roll, only to select a file from the first one. He could have kept that in his pocket... A file?... to cut a canvas from its frame? If this wasn't bad enough we have to watch him go through the same ridiculous charade for the next painting! No rush mate, you sort your tools out.

The daughter, Casey, finds the perfect hiding place in the attic where she sits and hides, and could have stayed there unseen all night. But no, for no reason at all, she decides to do a balancing act along the rafters, predictably falling through the ceiling.

None of it makes sense. Was the plan just a burglary? In which case why didn't they get in and out as quickly as possible, or was it revenge and the intention was to kill them all anyway. If that was the case, why the charade of 'stalling' the home owners return to give the burglars more time? The whole film was ridiculous, and quite frankly painful to watch.

If you removed the pointless tool bag scenes, and the endless scenes of burglars looking for the girl under beds and in cupboards, the film would have a runtime of about ten minutes.
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