Landau and Sorvino dealing with age and dying
20 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Two great actors giving this topic a go. Age is about loss. You might gain wisdom, but like the most memorable line in 'Angel Heart'.... What good is wisdom when it brings no profit to the wise?' And what ancient wise man wouldn't trade it all for ten minutes of good sex? But I guess you need to be old and wise to be wise enough to even know that is absolutely a universal truth.

Or maybe loss is a type of gain. You lose the BS and stop conning and trying to impress everyone else and most importantly, you can't lie to yourself. There isn't any point and certainly isn't any time. If you have cancer is their some reason to lie to your Doctor about it? Or your closest friend?

And to me that's what this film's about. How age abbreviates our expression and brings it closer to who we really are, more like children in that sense, but tempered with the previously mentioned human illusion of wisdom.

The title and sub theme that forms the synopsis, the 'plot' exists as an excuse to wrap the real substance of the film around. The friendship of Martin and Sorvino. It's about trying to live when your dying , and wishing you were dead because of the pain of living. It's comical and ultimately sad, and both of these gifted older older actors bring plenty of authority to their parts.

An absolutely worthwhile movie trying to deal with the most ultimate and universal experience of lives in a far more down to earth way then a good movie like 'Bucket List.'
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