Out of Death (2021)
There's Nothing about This Film That Isn't Awful
16 July 2021
You are welcome to look for yourselves, but I'm sure that everyone will agree with me. This is a monumentally horrible movie from start to finish, from the flashbacks at the very beginning of the movie-yes, at the beginning. What are you flashing back to? The movie hasn't even begun. It's like they only did it to remind the audience that Bruce Willis is going to be in it. Once you see him, you may want to reevaluate your relationship with the former star who looks to be about a month away from buying one of those rascal scooters.

Even the title is awful.

There's a lot more bad to come, like the horrible music sequences, which also start at the opening credits. Then there's the bottom-of-the-barrel acting crew who they seem to have hired at a Home Depot parking lot, although I always blame bad acting on the bad director.

On one side of the equation, we have a group of criminals who are "intellectually and developmentally disabled," at least that's what I was coached to say because, evidently, it isn't cool these days to call them morons or half-wits so as not to cause offense.

Storyline: A corrupt Sheriff's department in a rural mountain town comes undone when an unintended witness throws a wrench into their shady operation.

This seems to have been the entire script and everything in the movie was simply ad-libbed by the "actors." The dialogue was pure boilerplate writing and clichés you've heard a millions times in every lousy movie of this genre.

The "action" scenes are hopelessly stupid and very poorly choreographed, but why bother with logic when everything else is such a disaster? And what do you expect from villains when one of them is called Billie, which I assume is short for hillbilly. And you can just forget about character development as that wasn't in the budget, but they got Bruce Willis, , man.

"...due to COVID-19 shutdowns, Willis could only be on set for one day. Therefore, they filmed all of his scenes in a single day."

Unfortunately, for half of Bruce's work day he seemed to be taking his nap. It looks like the entire movie was made in one day from the script to the final edits.

I'd estimate that Bruce is at least thirty years past his expiration date as an action hero. Maybe he is opening up an entirely new genre at the cinema: action grandpa. Or how about an action hero grandpa with Alzheimer's? For this, all they would have had to do was dress Bruce in pajamas for his stroll in the woods.
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