Hey there, fellow kids.
27 June 2021
This is ostensibly a traditional romcom which tries way too hard to be edgy. Full of quippy, antagonistic dialogue from one-note characters who seem to have no redeeming features. However, if you can stick it out through the first act, it develops a sense of light storytelling and even a few glimpses of character development along the way.

It's not a total embarrasment, but I'd wish they'd leaned heavier into the romance/characters instead of the intentionally obnoxious tone present in almost every scene. The acting is straight-up-the-middle ok. The editing and direction is irritating. The soundtrack is unacceptable.

Difficult to recommend. It's a movie stuffed with jerks who (very) occassionally let their mask fall to reveal a human side, but ultimately it drowns in its own filth and really needed to come up for air more often.
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