The Deep Ones (2020)
Vessels for the Old One
21 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This Red Box Rental was inspired from "Rosemary's Baby." They even used the same type of camera lens (low budget). They mixed in a bag of Aleister Crowley and a bad rubber suit representation of the god Dagon. There is some humor in the film, but most of it was cut. The theremin adds to the eerie effect and humor.

Petri (Johann Urb ) and his wife Lexi (Gina La Piana) have a second honeymoon at the swanky Solar Beach Colony just a quick drive from Oxnard, perhaps the first joke. Gina stars in this film because she is supplying the location. (I watched the deleted scenes and the making of the film, DVD extras). They are being watched by a cult. Ingrid (Silvia Spross) who we see running naked across the beach in the opening scene is about to pop. They speak a foreign tongue, most likely made up, but use the word "Ea" which was Akkadian for the God Enki. Like Dagon they were water, fish, and fertility.

Low budget. Bad costume. Some campy acting by design. Timothy Muskatell was allowed to improvise. Also had a fire dance which also goes back to ancient times, but I will spare you.

Guide: F-word. Sex. FF Nudity (Gina La Piana, Silvia Spross )
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