Bloodlands (2021–2022)
So many holes it's just not realistic
4 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This series failed me on two key points: 1) I like mine to be feasible--possible and 2) I like the bad guy to get caught. So feeling a bit ajar I am going to rip it apart.

1) How does a wee woman like Tori manage to kidnap fat Pat and chain him to a radiator? How does he stay there for a few days without the hotel finding out?

2) How / why does a DCS demote themself and ignore all of their other responsibilities to take over a district office-all for a missing persons case?

3) The whole Tori bumps into Tom at the elevator and also teaches his daughter and also happens to be the kidnapper is too much.

4) The entire thrust to ignore the Keenan kidnapping and pursue Goliath, including the unsanctioned trip to and digging up of the bones, was aggressively and insubordinately pushed by--the guy who stood to lose everything from its success. Without the dig on the island, they never find the bodies--or the pendant which was ultimately Tom's undoing.

5) Where is the boat that got Adam to the island? How did Tom get it so fast and dispose of it? According to Digger it should have been littered with evidence. How does Tom get him to the island, shoot him and dump him in broad daylight with no witnesses? Finally-why would he shoot him? He had the gun he used in 1998 which meant he was armed when he first went to visit him which means he was prepared to kill him from the beginning. It makes no sense. Adam was weak and dying. He had no evidence--only theories which had been dismissed in the past. Killing him only put Tom further at risk.

6) Why does Tom set up Jackie--only to push for his exoneration?

7) Once the theory is zeroed into three people--2 of whom are running the investigation--how is it that others are not called in to take over the investigation? How does Tom arrest his DCS boss without bringing in others?

8) Is it really realistic that Emma would give such and intimate gift from Tom to her lover--and that a paramilitary would accept it and wear it? And how does she disappear without any money or assistance? And would she really set up her husband as she did? If she--as Army intel--knew about the gun shipments why does she participate with a UFF guy in a rouge plot manipulating her cop husband to neutralize them? I'm sorry but that is dumb. And an Army intel woman goes missing from her unit for 12 days and no one says boo? And the 'official' version from her husband that she went missing in March is swallowed by them without investigation?

The biggest threat to Tom was Tom--who agressively investigated where the whole of the PSNI, Special Branch and Army Intel bumbled blindly? I don't think so.

If you aspire to make a show where the good guy is--surprise--really the bad guy you have to do a better job of writing it. In the real world Tom would never have done what he did and escaped severe investigation from higher ups. Army Intel would have caught him back in '98.
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