Decent prison break western
23 May 2021
Devil's Canyon, a RKO picture, starts out like a normal western, the first ten minutes features an exciting gunfight between Dale Robertson and two outlaws gunning for him, but switches to a prison - it's essentially prison break yarn that happens to be a western.

The story- Following a shoot out in which he kills two men, former US marshal Billy Reynolds is sent to the notorious Arizona territorial prison. There he finds himself face to face with an old enemy who is determined to revenge himself on the lawman who sent him to jail.

It's a tautly-drawn story with just enough unpredictability to create suspense. Visually, Virginia Mayo is the only bright spot; a significant contrast to everything else, which is a drab grey. The stone walls are grey, the prison uniforms are grey, the quarry where the prisoners break stone is grey. Visually it's quite oppressive.

The cast is excellent, especially Stephen McNally, who towers over everyone with his intensity as the unhinged Gorman, Dale Robertson is his usual reliable self, and Virginia Mayo as Abby doesn't just add a speck of glamour, but is quite good as a character conflicted between Dale and Stephen McNally. (Also, it might seem odd to find a woman placed in a man's prison, however, in 1899, a woman stage robber known as Pearl hart was imprisoned at Yuma).

It's a decent film, and though I am not usually keen on prison dramas, there's enough things happening here to catch your attention. The finale features an exciting sequence with a Gatling gun and dynamite. I found it really entertaining- it's another of those regular westerns that were shown on BBC2 at 6.pm after school in 80's.
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