A well-presented analysis
14 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
If you've ever wondered what becomes of a porn actress once she is put out to pasture, AFTER PORN ENDS examines that very curiosity, and more than satisfactorily so.

Moreover, the documentary helps to explain how it is some women end up working in the porn industry. For a few it's the fame that attracts them to the business; for the majority, however, it is strictly the money. I'm guessing none feel they are divinely called to this line of work, and with good reason.

One learns that even the most popular of porn stars work only a few years in the biz. The industry simply isn't kind to cellulite, double chins, crow's-feet, liver spots, and the like. Rare is the actress who's over the hill and still performing. By thirty, most female porn stars have hung up their panties and have moved on to other attire.

You may be wondering, what previous job skills and experience do these ladies possess that would look good on a resume or be impressive to one conducting a job interview? The good news is is that for most of these women they somehow manage to ease their way into the workforce and make the transition effortlessly, and are not entirely stigmatized for the remainder of their lives, if at all.

Here we meet a former porn actress turned Christian activist. Three of the eleven subjects which the movie spotlights are men. One of them talks about the decision he made to become a porn actor over the life of a rabbi. Another among the eight, following her retirement from the industry, ended up running for governor of California and finished in tenth place. These are for the most part post-smut success stories. Far from landing up in the gutter, we're introduced to still other former porn actresses who would go onto become counselors, or real estate agents, or private detectives. No joke! (So much for their not being cut out for the daily grind.)

AFTER PORN ENDS is tastefully presented (i.e. Non-explicit) and does not glamorize what is essentially in the eyes of many a degrading, loathsome industry. We learn, for instance, about the dysfunctional backgrounds a lot of these women had prior to their starring in pornos and how some of them were runaways. It is interesting that some of these women were discovered and approached by industry recruiters while at one time enrolled in modeling school or as contestants in beauty pageants. So sad that these women were brought down to the level of the demeaning sleazeball. Fortunately, their time spent in the industry was brief and for some was a regrettable experience. As with the one former actress who, upon exiting, started a foundation that helps to rescue women from the industry. 'Tis a case, in a sense, of what goes around.
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