Review of Next of Kin

Next of Kin (1982)
A long drive, but you'll love the arrival
6 May 2021
Wow, to say that one "starts off slow" is to really undersell how gradually it makes that left turn into genuine wonkyness. Not boring tho, I was on board for the whole thing - the Klaus Schultz soundtrack kicks in more and more as the whole movie becomes just as not-quite-right as its cars with people driving on the wrong side. It isn't until very near the end that things go off the road entirely, with such engaging style that I was very glad I took the long, mostly leisurely drive. I absolutely ended up somewhere unexpected, and even said "Wow!" out loud a couple of times at the end.

And just when I thought they were gonna cheap out on the budget, they surprised me one more time, almost literally in the movie's rear view mirror. Add to that how the soundtrack completely sells it for me, and I found it a very good (if glacially paced) show ---
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