A bit schmaltzy but quite enjoyable.
1 May 2021
This story from Republic Pictures begins with Reverend Macklin arriving in Lodestone, a town in the old west. It seems that decades ago, the Reverend's father also tried to set up a church in this town but was killed by Indians. Now things are more peaceful in the town but the nearby saloon keeper (Hugh O'Brian) is not thrilled that the reverend is planning on rebuilding the church next door. Other problems that come into play during the film is establishing a relationship with the local tribe, a woman is injured and might never walk again and there's a cave-in.

I was surprised that I liked this film. I think I enjoyed its gentle amiable spirit as well as the way the preacher just showed decentness and kindness to everyone instead of condemnation. A most unusual change of pace for Mickey Rooney in the lead but a film worth seeing.
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