Mass Effect: Andromeda (2017 Video Game)
Stand Alone Title
23 April 2021
After watching a one VideoGameDunkey's video, I was very hesitant to pick up this game. With the Legendary Edition's release coming soon, I realized that they had likely patched up and fixed a lot of the issues that I vaguely recall Dunkey dunk-ing on (haha.) So, I decided to get it. I don't know if it's because I've matured a lot since I last played through the original ME trilogy, or if it's due to my playing D&D a lot more, but I have been so absolutely drawn in by the story in this game. I'm thoroughly enjoying the role playing aspect of this game, I appreciate that there is no color coded "good guy :)" "bad guy >:(" system. I really like that you can just play the game how you like without needing to worry if your karma is high enough to get a certain dialogue choice. I just feel like I've been better able to role play in this than the original trilogy, but maybe that'll change once I play through them again.

The reason I gave this an 8/10 is because of how tedious some of this game is. I mean, do we have to do the mini-cutscene to fly between planets every time? It gets very old when you are trying to do a specific companion's loyalty mission, and all the sudden you have to jump between 4 planets which takes upwards of 10 minutes when really it should take 5. Also had quite a few bugs while playing through, mostly textures stuff, which I can overlook. The game is at it's best when you're partaking in the linear quests - like the companion missions. The exploration leaves a bit to be desired, in my opinion, but even with all this annoying tedious stuff - I still had a blast playing through the game. I felt sick to my stomach during some story reveals, and I had no trouble stepping into Ryder's shoes. Like others here, I wish that it had been completed appropriately upon release instead of the half-cocked game they put out. It deserves a sequel because it was a lot of fun and engaging story wise - to me at least. I'll always consider the original trilogy some of my favorite games of all time, but Andromeda holds a special little place as well.

I highly recommend picking this up. It's $10 brand new via Amazon. Treat it as a separate story from Shepard and the Reapers, because it's a separate story from Shepard and the Reapers.

PS: Liam is the worst companion and I almost stopped playing the game because his dialogue during the tutorial made me cringe.
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