1917 (2019)
"He travels the fastest who travels alone"
13 April 2021
There are some great WW1 films out there, the granddaddy of them all in my view being 1930's 'All Quiet on the Western Front'. Also appreciate many of the actors here, though they are in cameo roles, and Sam Mendes as a director (of the films of his seen, almost all, 'Spectre' is the only one to not do much for me). Roger Deakins and Thomas Newman are masters in their field, Deakins is one of the best cinematographers in the business and Newman's score for 'Road to Perdition' is a favourite.

'1917' was seen for all those reasons. As well as because of the critical acclaim, with it being considered as one of 2019's year's best films. After seeing it, my thoughts are that the acclaim for '1917' is richly deserved in one of the best and most powerful films that year. It did connect a lot with me, due to watching it not long after reading the harrowing war diaries of my great-grandfather (who fought in the war and was mustard gassed and blinded).

First and foremost, '1917' is a visual and technical achievement. It is beautifully and evocatively designed and Deakins' cinematography, with awe-inspiring and never gimmicky use of the long unbroken one take technique, is nothing short of masterful. Mendes ensures that the tension, even in the slower moments, never slips, keeping the intensity (at its best almost nerve-shredding) going.

Newman provides another hauntingly beautiful score, that does stir the emotions in the latter parts of the film when things become more urgent. The sound is thrilling in its authenticity, so much so it was like being there. The film is intelligently scripted and to me the two lead characters, especially Scofield, were easy to get behind, interesting and their bond came over as realistic. The story is engrossing throughout, it briefly loses a little momentum just before the climax perhaps, but the first half is emotionally powerful and the climax is unpredictably intense.

Such a good job is done too with showing the full horrors of war from a visual standpoint, a psychological one and in the unflinching action. Without going too far, the point of view not being hammered home. '1917' benefits hugely from the splendid lead performance of George MacKay and Dean-Charles Chapman is strong too despite his role not being quite as meaty. The cameos from Benedict Cumberbatch, Colin Firth, Richard Madden and Andrew Scott manage to make big impressions in short screen time.

Overall, brilliant and powerful film. One of the best films personally watched in 2020. 10/10.
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