GOD 🦍 Of The Apes vs. KING 🐊 Of The Monsters: If You ENJOY Watching ...Way 😅 Overblown, Plot-hole Riddled 🧀 Action Fare, Then Prepare To Be, Well... { BLOWN-AWAY } 🌠 👍❗.
6 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers

Madison Russell : " ...There's something provoking him -{ referring to Godzilla }- that we're not seeing here... " .


" A Good, Old-fasioned, -{ Big }- Screen Review " .

So here's the thing. How is it that ...{ Evidently }... Maya, Lind, and Eileen & Jia, & the others, need 'Specially Constructed Deep Earth Crafts 🚀' to blitz thru the so called "Gravity Inversion" point-of-contact on their way to 'Hollow Earth' ( in order to prevent them from turning into something akin to 'instant-ketchup' ) ; but the -( " essentially just as ORGANIC " )- Kong needs no such parameter of enhanced fortification❓In the final analysis, 'twas... " the ( Not ) so little things " such as -{ This }- in "Godzilla vs. Kong", aka "G.v.K", that left me feeling a little bit like the limits of 👉{ Even }👈 this very decidedly, er... dicey, murky, & malleable thing known as " Movie-Science " , had, in this particular case, been stretched, well ...Way, Way { 🤔❗} past the point of acceptable, well, er . . . . . " Thin-Ness " .

But one thing is for certain. Director Adam Winguard { 'Outcast', 'The Guest', 'Blair Witch' } has mostly definitely exploited the living daylights out of his USD 200,000,000 { 💣💥 } budget, to create a picture that is -{ Atleast }- as huge in Scope, as well as dynamism, as the monstrous & -( Utterly )- behemoth "Titans" that it pits against one another. Furthermore, ( & needless-to-say, almost, for those of you who've watched the trailers already ), most of the Artistic & Technical aspects of the production -( Cinematography, V.f.x, S.p.f.x, C.g.i, Music, Set-pieces, Casting )- are entirely "Par-Excellence", to say the -Least- . And -{ Yes }- , the Giga-dramatic & " beautifully-Evocative " Score from composer Tom Holkenborg literally sets an -{ already }- 'super-explosive' film... " Aflame { 🔥❗} " with an anticipatory fervour that is all but impossible to stave off. Franchise 'newcomer' Rebecca Hall ( Ironman-3 ), 'monsterverse-favourites' Millie Bobby Brown & Kyle Chandler, and Demiân Bichir, Alexander Skarsgård, Eiza Gonzáles, & Julian Dennison were all well & truly -{ Fantastic ✅ }- .

Although this time it was the two 'super-fresh' faces that really stood out for me. The first being the -{ Phenomenal }- African American comedic talent Bryan Tyree Henry , who -Literally- carries the film 🌠 for the first 7½ minutes or so, "almost single-handedly". The latter is a -{ Brand New }- entrant to the very world of big-screen performance itself, an absolutely, positively Angel-Faced Youngster from ( U.s )-Georgia named Kylee Hottle 🌠 , who's -( Actually )- deaf in real life, -And- skilled in A.s.l, { or American Sign Language } ; & who was only, get this, 9 Years Old when GvK was filmed. She brings an 'Utterly Irrepressible' sense of Beauty, Innocence & Humanity to the entire movie, & -{ All }- her scenes with 'the great Kong' are just... { " Darling 🌺❗" } ...and that's -Not- an exaggeration. In fact, she -{ More Than }- makes up for the emotional depth that Godzilla-1's lead protagonist for the better part of the film, Aaron Taylor Johnson's 'Lieutenant Ford Brody'..... sadly 😔 .....{ -Lacked- } .

Overall, I think this is a picture that would make the " Kaiju 👉{ Japanese term of endearment for its subculture recognized the world over for 'Reveling' in giant monsters }👈 Crowd " as a collective... { -Pretty- } darn proud ...Indeed. However, as regards the " mechagodzilla ghithora Goliath " : I'm going to -Have- to say that I -Don't- think that I quite " Felt " that, for whatever reason. The film's creators might { actually } have been 👉( Far )👈 better off employing some sort of " Much more Terrifying " .....( than 'Even' the undeniably fearsome 'Original' 3-headed gargantuar Ghithora from Godzilla-2 )..... -{ Cloned 🔴 }- monster, with -{ A Few }- mechanical 'Enhancements' made to it ; as opposed to going " Full-Blown Robot " on us. & Finally, to end on a positive note, I can't even -{ Begin }- to describe to you how " delightfully-Ecstatic ( 💥 🤣 ) " an experience it was, to watch that whole "bleach-Satire" episode play out .....( you'll -instantly- get what I mean, when you see it )..... referring, Of Course, to the -{ Thorough }- , & indeed 'bare naked' swipe the filmmakers took at one of ( " a certain " ) Donald. J. Trump's -{ Particularly }- infamous shenanigans in response to the Covid-19 Pandemic, during the latter part of 2020 .

Summary : The film 👉{ Didn't }👈 have the impact that " Godzilla " { 1 & 2 }, -{ Or }- indeed, " Kong : Skull Island " had on me .... but-then-again.... I suppose it's incumbent & obligatory on my part to remind you, the reader, ( at -this- point ), that the 'all-crucial' "Novelty-Factor" within ( Any ) given movie franchise is -{ Bound 🤷‍♂️ }- to diminish... ( & Very-Significantly, At That ) ...with the advent of each new instalment, -Of- said franchise. So. -{ All }- things considered, I'm giving the picture " A Loud, Supportive 7.50 Marks Out Of 10 👏 💥❗" .
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