Definitely captures the spirit of those Mondo movies
29 March 2021
Not everyone has seen Mondo Cane or my favorite, Mondo Pazzo but Mr Mike's Mondo Video is a satire of those types of movies. They are very strange and bizarre brief explorations of all things weird happening around the world that you may not know about .

Mr Mike's Mondo Video captures the feel of those Mondo movies. I doubt most people who have seen this video also saw them hence the references to Twilight Zone which don't fit. Mondo movies were documentaries and this is a mockumentary of those movies. I think the low ratings from some is based on their ignorance of the Mondo movies. Watch one then you will know what was the point of this and yes, it does succeed.

There's alot I like in this, I am a cat lover and liked the opening w8th tue cats in a pool. Michael O'Donoghue wasn't about to have his own cat harmed and his was the first thrown in for tue swim. Mr Mike may be sick but ue isnt an evil ba5t@d either. I liked the Church of Jack Lord is better than any SNL skit made in 35 years and with Rhonda Coulett singing in a grass skirt. The wonder laser bra. There is a subtle dig on John Belushi in the segment where women announce the things they love of the men who are acknowledged creeps. Belushi's wife appears as one of the women saying she loves a man who cant find his belt under his stomach. Belushi weighed almost 250 pounds at that time. The show has a classic ending which made me think about what happens to those losing team's sportd apparel made before sports championships for both teams (Somewhere, people are wearing Super Bowl champion Bengals shirts). This ending however is about 3rd world nation residents getting the discarded remnants of old pop culture trends. This video even includes the full unedited performance debut of Klaus Nomi as part of a "Dream Sequence". Nomi was the opera singing new wave singer/performance artist. No one will ever be stranger than Klaus Nomi. No ine can he stranger.

I'm a big fan of O'Donoghue's work. He has the kind of vitriolic energy in his humor that makes it dangerous. He also loved mocking and ridiculing his employers. I'm sure if he were alive today, he would be made unemployable from comedy writing in this era of stifling political correctness which is making the moral majority of 40 years ago look like novices when it comes to thought control via intimidation and oppression. I doubt people today, now generations removed from when this was made, can relate to the era when this was made. It was a time when society was shedding (and shredding) ALL attempts to impose one's personal political and moral beliefs on others through the use of force, intimidation and threats. I am not surprised if no one under 40 in comedy can understand anything about Michael O'Donoghue and what he meant. Too afraid to. Perhaps when the collapse of cancel culture inevitably happens, the spirit of Mr Mike will rise above it in all it's outrageously grotesque comedic gory glory.
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