Good SK Thriller
11 March 2021
The Gangster, the Cop, the Devil: A South Korean thriller based on a true story. We've had tales of cops linking up with crooks before to pursue a joint interest, but this is a far darker tale where the quarry is a serial killer. He has tried to kill a gang boss, leaving him seriously injured, now the mobster joins up with his old cop enemy to catch the killer. They both know that they will try and cheat the other in the final toss of the dice, the detective want's the murderer brought to justice, the crook wants to kill him. Quite violent, not just the savage crimes committed by the "Devil" but also fights between rival gangsters. There is something eerily dark about watching the killer on the prowl, seeking out his victims, his mthod if stopping them, how he strikes. Maintains the tension throughout, a worthy addition to the South Korean Serial Killer Canon. Written and Directed by Lee Won-tae. On BBC4. 8/10.
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