Sloppy Documentary Feels Thrown Together with no Effort to Understand its Subject
7 March 2021
This doc feels like it was thrown together over a weekend simply by slicing together YouTube inserts with very shallow grasp of its subject. I gave up watching it after 17 minutes. I forced myself to skip forward several times to try to find any core thesis, but came up empty-handed. Why was this even made? From the music, to the editing, and to the production, it's all very hastily thrown together. It feels like it is trying to ride on the coattails of MBTI's success, by pretending to question it or very superficially challenge it and then presenting no real argument or compelling story. There was simply no desire to explore MBTI in depth. A doc with a shallow understanding of its main subject is not very compelling. In the end, I lost interest and pulled the plug.
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