Bad Samaritan (2018)
Sheehan and Tennant shine in a serviceable thriller
7 January 2021
Robert Sheehan, his marvelous accent, and David Tennant take a script with a solid plot (if weakish dialog) and make it, well, thrilling. They pony up believeable, lived-in performances, doing so much more than just going through the motions.

Indy thriller BAD SAMARITAN keeps you on the edge of your seat for the duration of its 110-minute running time. Are there plot holes? Sure, a couple, but they're minuscule compared to most contemporary films, and they don't detract significantly from the overall effort. Every one of its twists and turns is fairly supported, and nothing is distractingly illogical or implausible.

The filmmakers do rely on some well-worn movie clichés to move things along -- the simple-minded, uncuriouos cop who ignores overwhelming evidence that something is seriously amiss jumps to mind -- but they don't detract from the important conflict. Sheehan as the hapless ne'er-do-well with a heart of gold, and Tennant as the malevolent and twisted serial killer, are believeable if unlikely foes as they engage in a suspenseful battle of wits.

BAD SAMARITAN is yet another example of why indy films are often better movies than multi-million-dollar features. With the blessing of smaller budgets, filmmakers must rely on craft and creativity over special effects, and this frequently makes for a more compelling movie experience.

This film isn't perfect by any means. The story is one that has been told before, though usually not so deftly, and some of the minor characters were deserving of a bit more substance. The law enforcement element also could have been better developed. Nevertheless, missed opportunities and all, BAD SAMARITAN is a cut above average and does what it's supposed to do: It entertains.
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