Not a Lifetime Movie?
28 December 2020
According to the information here on IMDB, this movie was made in 2018. It also does not show it as being a made for TV movie. But the guide on my DVR says it is a 2020 movie. It sure feels like a TV movie, one that Lifetime would create.

My guess it that it failed miserably under the original title "A Deadly View", Lifetime got it, maybe did some editing, and re-released it as a 2020 movie with the new title "The Baby Stealer".

Regardless, it is pretty bad. A recycled plot, with someone trying to steal a pregnant woman's baby. Gee, how original. The only semi-interesting part was the "Rear Window" aspect, where the pregnant woman watches the goings-on in her neighborhood, and no one believes what she says she sees.

But as is so typical with these movies, the absurd ending ruined the entire movie. I'm only giving it 5 stars because of the "Rear Window" ripoff, which made it somewhat bearable. With that said, don't expect anything other than what you get from every other Lifetime movie.
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